Presented by...

Scott Sweitzer

Your Neighborhood Personal Family Lawyer
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Spooky Tacos and Trusts
with Prime Estate Planning
are you part of the 68% of people who don't have a plan in place if something were to happen to you? There's nothing scarier than that. Join us for Spooky Tacos and Trusts!
Thursday, October 27, 6:00pm
Prime Estate Planning (Office)

1 Thomas Circle NW, 3rd Floor

Washington, DC 20005

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Spooky Tacos and Trusts
with Prime Estate Planning
are you part of the 68% of people who don't have a plan in place if something were to happen to you? There's nothing scarier than that. Join us for Spooky Tacos and Trusts!
Thursday, October 27, 6:00pm
Prime Estate Planning (Office)

1 Thomas Circle NW, 3rd Floor

Washington, DC 20005

Complete The form below to secure your spot!
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Got questions about estate planning?

What You'll Learn

What you really need to keep your family out of court and out of conflict when something happens to you.

Exactly why most plans fail and how you can put in place a plan for peace of mind.

We'll guide you to know what it should costs and describe our estate planning process so you know your options.

Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free. We encourage you to stay until the end to hear about the solutions we offer to protect your loved ones if and when something should happen to you.

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