Presented by...

Scott Sweitzer, Attorney

Prime Estate Planning

Sean Forschler

Realtor, Licensed in DC, MD, & VA
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Homeowning the RIGHT Way

Homeownership is the heart and soul of the American dream, but many are left in the dark regarding tips and tricks that all homeowners should know. Join Scott Sweitzer and Sean Forschler for an educational and engaging joint presentation explaining how to own your home the RIGHT way.

Scott Sweitzer is the owner of Prime Estate Planning and Prime Settlement, a DC-based title company.

Scott’s legal practice encompasses real estate, trusts and estates, and business law. His title company provides settlement services to both residential and commercial clients in DC, VA, and MD. His estate planning company provides trusts and estate documents protecting clients from court and conflict.

Sean Forschler is an expert realtor in the DC Metropolitan area who will guide and navigate you through the entire home buying or selling process including interpreting the paperwork involved, and saving you time with his proven systems.

Thursday, December 8, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Prime Estate Planning

1 Thomas Circle NW, 3rd Floor Conference Room Washington, D.C. 20005

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Homeowning The RIGHT Way

Homeownership is the heart and soul of the American dream, but many are left in the dark regarding tips and tricks that all homeowners should know. Join Scott Sweitzer and Sean Forschler for an educational and engaging joint presentation explaining how to own your home the RIGHT way.

Scott Sweitzer is the owner of Prime Estate Planning and Prime Settlement, a DC-based title company.

Scott’s legal practice encompasses real estate, trusts and estates, and business law. His title company provides settlement services to both residential and commercial clients in DC, VA, and MD. His estate planning company provides trusts and estate documents protecting clients from court and conflict.

Sean Forschler is an expert realtor in the DC Metropolitan area who will guide and navigate you through the entire home buying or selling process including interpreting the paperwork involved, and saving you time with his proven systems.

Thursday, December 8, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Prime Estate Planning

1 Thomas Circle NW, 3rd Floor Conference Room

Washington, D.C. 20005

Complete The form below to secure your spot!
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Got questions about estate planning?

What You'll Learn

How to own your home to minimize tax liability while keeping your family out of court and out of conflict.

Why using a Revocable Living Trust is an effective way to manage risk.

We’ll guide you to know what it should cost and describe our estate planning process so you know your options.

Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free. We encourage you to stay until the end to hear about the solutions we offer to protect your loved ones if and when something should happen to you.

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