Estate Planning Webinar
Wednesday, July 22, 11:00am - 11:45am
Thursday, July 23, 2:15pm - 3:00pm
If you are one of the 69% of people who don’t even have a will, then you are and someone’s going to get caught without a chair, which means conflict and Court for the people you love!
Or maybe you do have a will, but you don’t know that a will alone is simply not enough to make sure your family will stay out of court and conflict if you become incapacitated or when you die.
In this educational, informative, empowering class, local attorney Scott Sweitzer will guide you to make sure you know what you need to have a plan that will work when your family needs it most. If you have kids, you will learn how to ensure they are taken care of by the people you want, in the way you want, no matter what. Scott will guide you to take charge and ensure you have done the right thing by your family.

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Scott will guide you to take charge and ensure you have done the right thing for your family.
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